Coming Soon
Getting the right childcare in place can make all the difference in managing day-to-day as a working parent. What is right is different for each family of course, but there are some common themes across most families based on the parents’ working patterns and the ages of the child/children. Here we outline a few options that have worked well for us and for our clients, along with their pros and cons. Please contact us to let us know if you have used any other options that worked well for you so we can continue to grow this list.
Coming Soon
Our local online parenting group had an interesting thread recently: a working mum was asking for advice about how to manage a potential career break.
Are you preparing for a return to work at the end of your maternity leave or following a career break?
With the year end fast approaching, this is a time of year when most of us have moments of feeling completely overwhelmed.
Feeling stressed? Not enough hours in the day? Life seems to be increasingly busy for most people, and working parents often feel under pressure from both work and home.
We’re tickled pink that our Career Expert, Kath Sloggett, has been invited by the lovely folk at Bubele to contribute regularly to The Bubele Edit.
This is a family-favourite that I inherited from my mother – it’s tasty and nutritious and good for hiding vegetables (which is a bonus if they’re not the most popular food group in your household!).
I recently asked parents for their help. I asked them to recommend children’s books (and TV shows, movies, etc) with a lead, or equal lead, female character.
Three useful (and perhaps surprising) tips for job searching in the UK
Whether you are meeting a client, a colleague, or a friend, these meeting places provide the perfect setting.
Three Useful (and Perhaps Surprising) Tips for Job Searching in the UK
Have you made any career resolutions during lockdown? Perhaps you’ve decided to change jobs or change careers, or perhaps you’ve decided it is time to restart your career.
Everyone needs a new LinkedIn photo. From extensive research we’ve conducted over the past few years, we believe this to be almost universally true*.
As a career coach, I often get asked by my clients whether having a LinkedIn profile is really necessary. It’s funny how they always say “really”, usually accompanied by a slight wince.
If you have taken a career break for any reason, it can be difficult to know how to show it on your CV.
While relaxing on your deckchair this Summer (or perhaps more likely, while madly chasing your kids around the pool with the suncream) did you come up with some plans for what you’d do work-wise when the holidays were over?
Our local online parenting group had an interesting thread recently: a working mum was asking for advice about how to manage a potential career break.
If you are planning to return to work this year, before you do anything else, please read about these three mistakes I regularly see being made.
With the year end fast approaching, this is a time of year when most of us have moments of feeling completely overwhelmed.
Feeling stressed? Not enough hours in the day? Life seems to be increasingly busy for most people, and working parents often feel under pressure from both work and home.
We’re tickled pink that our Career Expert, Kath Sloggett, has been invited by the lovely folk at Bubele to contribute regularly to The Bubele Edit.
Anna works in finance and re-entered after a five-year career break via a returnship programme.
Jane Hatfield is the Chief Executive of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH), a professional membership body for doctors and nurses who work in sexual and reproductive health.
Florence Brocklesby is a solicitor, entrepreneur and mother of three. With a background in the City, she launched a specialist employment and litigation law firm, Bellevue Law, after her children were born.