Hey, It’s Time to “Fill in the Blank”


Are you ready?  We’re putting you in charge today!

Grab your Task List. It’s time for you to “…………………” (fill in the blank).

*Haven’t joined yet? Sign up now to receive the January Jump emails in your inbox*


Today’s Task

It’s Time to “Fill in the Blank”

It’s Task 9 and our chance to hand over to you.  You’re in the driving seat today!

Today is designed as a Personal Task Session so you can tick off one task from the prioritised Task List that you created back in Task 3.
(If you joined the Jump late, or skipped that task, please go back and do it now.)

We recommend that you tackle a task from the top of your prioritised task list.

Select something that you know you can achieve in under 30 minutes.  It is important that you complete the whole task in the time you have available today.

If none of your tasks can be completed in less than half an hour, then you may benefit by further breaking your tasks into a series of mini-tasks.  If this is the case for you, then today you will be tackling only one mini-task.


Why Is Ticking Off A Single Task Important?

By regularly ticking off your tasks, we hope you will start to feel the buzz that comes from taking a tangible step towards your goals.   Step by step, task by task.

And won’t it feel great to cross a task off your ‘to do’ list?

Scientists and psychologists agree that seeing real progress is one of life’s biggest motivators.   This Harvard Review Article, ‘The Power of Small Wins‘, talks about this concept, which they refer to as the ‘Progress Principle’.

So let’s use this principle to your advantage. Yesterday you set up some meetings (or at least you sent the emails which will lead to those meetings being scheduled).  Today you will tick off one task.  And over the remainder of the Jump, you’ll tick off another two tasks.  And, later in the Jump, we will help you make a plan for completing the rest of your Personal Tasks.

Hopefully by ticking off each of these tasks – and by taking each of these small but significant steps – you will see tangible progress towards achieving your goals AND feel motivated to keep going.

Good luck with your task today!

Still to come in the January Jump..  tomorrow’s Weekend Task is going to be fun!
Next week, in Week 3 of the Jump, we’re pinning down your Personal Brand, sorting out your CV, and much more.  Stay tuned!

Find out more about the January Jump, and catch up on previous tasks, on the January Jump homepage


Join in the January Jump Conversation

Ask a question or let us know how you are getting on with your January Jump.


If you would rather ask your question privately, email us with the word “private” in your email title.  We aim to answer all questions publicly (because someone else will probably be wondering the same thing) but we can do so without using your name.

Sorry we cannot provide legal advice or bespoke career advice as part of the Jump.
contact us separately if you would like to enquire about these services.


Already joined the Jump?  We’re delighted to have you on board.  Please ensure you have confirmed your email address (you should have received an email from us, which you need to click).

How about inviting some friends to join you?  Research shows that people who talk about their goals are much more likely to achieve them.  Signing up for the Jump is a fantastic first step.  But what about inviting a friend or two to join you – to nudge you along and help celebrate at the end?  

Want to share the Jump with your workplace or network? Great! Please get in touch and we’ll help you to spread the word.